211 Acres In San Bernardino County For Sale
Four 1-40 Off-Ramps at Mountain Springs Rd. & Route 66 located at 34.830088, -115.050931 is the perfect opportunity for competition free travel plaza, fueling, fast food, lodging, theme park, or Tribal Casino in California.
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A Development Site That Can Impact How Truckers and Travelers Plan Their Entry and Return From the Southern California Area
There are no development sites like this for truck or travel centers on US 40 except for this property between Kingman, Arizona, and Barstow, California. If you drive from Needles into the Southern California area at night, you will sometimes see over a hundred trucks at this development site, and the next two exits to the west stopped for rest on the overpass or the on and off-ramps parked in the dirt. They then get up in the morning without showers or food or fuel and drive into the Los Angeles area to drop off their loads.
There are a few truck centers on interstate 15 near interstate 40 or in the city of Barstow; however, they are all very difficult to enter and exit. They’re also so busy; there is often no room for late-arriving truckers coming from the east coast.
This site, fully developed, can change the way truckers and travelers plan their approach and return from the southern California area.
Our prior joint venture partner spent over $300,000 on detailed business plans, architectural designs, feasibility studies, environmental studies, and appraisal. The business plan shows over $70,000,000 gross income per year from all planned businesses.
Ready for Large Interstate Travel Center & Development
The Mountain Springs Oasis Building Site is a rare find in California. 20 miles west of Needles and 90 miles east of Barstow on one of the heaviest traveled truck corridors in the country. Located amid the Piute Mountains this property sits on the top of the hillcrest for the Piute mountains at the Mountian Springs Summit on Interstate 40 at 2,770 feet elevation. There are slow truck lanes in both directions ending at this property, and it’s relatively new commercially rated overpass. Standing on the property, one can see nearly 25 miles in both directions. Perfect for competition free travel plaza, fueling, fast food, lodging, theme park, or Tribal Casino.
The three states of California, Nevada, and Arizona are all very close to this property. Las Vegas, Nevada, Bullhead City, Arizona, Kingman Arizona, Barstow California, Los Angeles, California, Needles California, the popular Lake Havasu in Arizona and the famous London Bridge, and several popular casinos are all within driving distance.
Several Indian Casinos have shown interest in developing a casino on this well-located property.
All Three Parcels Combine to 211 AC+
Parcel 1
Tax ID / APN #: 0656-251-01-0000- Property Type: Land – Zoning Description: CR
- Property Sub-type: Commercial/ Other (land)
Parcel 2
Tax ID / APN #: 0656-241-07-0000- Property Type: Land – Zoning Description: CR
- Property Sub-type: Commercial/ Other (land)
Parcel 3
Tax ID / APN #: 0656-241-09-0000- Property Type: Land – Zoning Description: CR
- Property Sub-type: Commercial/ Other (land)
Property Information
Feasibility study & Business Plan shows $71,000,000 annual gross income potential with Travel Center development. Environmental review complete, clear title (free and clear), commercial-rated bridge over I-40, Water Reclamation Plant & Project suggested, water and power available. Business Plan and construction schedule and costs with drawings come with the package.
Picture is West facing from the bridge and the Old Historic Route 66 also known as National Trails Highway.
Highway to left of US 40 is Route 66
- Price: $3,900,000
- Acres: 211
- County: San Bernardino
- State: California
- Closest City: Essex in California, Needles Arizona, Laughlin Nevada
- Property Type: Commercially and Residentially zoned. Zoned for any use.
Verbal governmental approval of Travel Center, GEM town (gas, eats, motel) concept
Feasibility Study, environmental review, business plan done and available with NDA
1% or less property tax rate
Prime location for development and growth
Commercial and Residential (anything goes) zoning
Re-Zoned Commercial
San Bernardino County supports development & will work with buyer. 28 miles west of Needles and 85 miles east of Barstow on heavily traveled truck corridor US 40. Located amid the Piute Mountains at top of hill visible from both directions. Perfect for Travel Plaza, motels, hotels, car and truck fueling/charging and repair station, truck & car wash, fast food, lodging, RV Park, Camping, Food courts, shops and more! Build your own city!
GOLD MINE on property, GHOST TOWNS NEARBY on route 66. Perfect site for California / Mojave Desert Visitor’s Center and Route 66 Museum! Also, single family and/or off-base military housing, possible military training. Great for RV park, Boat and RV storage (close to Colorado river). Great for hotel/motel location. Nothing rusts!
Residential and Employee Housing
There is enough land for single-family residential housing development. You can plan for employees and add as needed. You could also include a motel and RV park and potential small apartment buildings. The city is starting to grow significantly as populations across Southern California continue to explode.
Videos of Property and Surrounding Area
Travel Center
Retail Opportunities
Power and Solar
Power already at the site and close to the world’s largest solar farm with lots of power and solar opportunities.
Water Opportunities
Water is life and essential to a properties success and value. This property has two existing California registered wells with water close to the surface.
Travel Center
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Future State Of The Art Travel Truck Center With Parking For Over 1000 Trucks
The site original plan included a travel center. Plans were completed for a travel center modeled after the Wheeler Ridge Travel Center at the bottom of the north side of the grapevine. Aside from providing Diesel, this new truck and travel center could have restaurants, and stores for shopping, a truck and auto repair/wash, showers, hotel, and then of course, morning breakfast.
RV Park For Campers
A great place to stop with your RV or trailer and stay in the area a few days or months and visit all the parks, ROUTE 66 towns and highway, The Grand Canyon, Laughlin, a multitude of casinos and fine restaurants close by in Laughlin, and Nevada as well as Bullhead City and Lake Havasu, Colorado River and London Bridge and old town of Kingman, Arizona. There are vast Government lands nearby to explore.
Fast Food Chains and Casual Dining Restaurants
Places like Wendy’s, Denny’s, Chick-fil-a, Burger King, Taco Bell and Del Taco would be wise to open here. Biggest favorite would be In and Out. Also, a Steakhouse with promotion to eat 72 oz steak with all the trimmings—finish in 45 minutes and dinner free. There is so much more to be developed here. Only imagination can limit you. Choose your Favorite Fast Food chain, Stop for Good Old Home Cooking Restaurant, Top Steakhouse & all shops. TRUCKS WILL MAKE THIS A DESTINATION STOP
Roadside Information Center
This will help tourists with the various sites and making arrangements to cover the area. Passing out coupons to different participating establishments while visitors stay at RV Park or Motel or Truck Travel center or just stop for gas, food or directions for Route 66 and the many fabulous places to visit. This could be a Route 66 destination for travelers to jump off from here. Bring a lot of businesses to locations.
Preliminary Plans For Travel Center and Multiple Businesses at Mountain Springs Oasis Are Available
A very detailed feasibility study was done to review all travel centers and gas stations from Barstow, California to Kingman, Arizona, and other points into Arizona. This study is still relevant and contains many pages. It clearly supports this profitable development.
Plans Modeled After Wheeler Ridge Travel Center
Prior joint venture partner (now deceased) knew the developer. The preliminary plans for a travel center was modeled after the very successful Wheeler Ridge Travel Center at the bottom of the North side of the Grapevine (Interstate 5) and Hwy 138 North of Los Angeles.
Existing owner had prior joint venture and much work product available for new buyer. – All work will be provided, see section on Plans, Surveys, and Legal. Any Business Plans, Feasibility Study, Surveys, just to list a few.
Retail Opportunities
Plenty of room to build to suit long term commercial tenants
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Build To Suit Commercial Tenants
The original plan included lot line changes to allow for the sale of separate parcels. Plans are available for a self-contained building hosting multiple fast food and higher-end restaurants, and retail establishments.

Historic Route 66 Experience
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Built-In Route 66 Theme and Opportunity
Route 66, the legendary gateway road that led from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Coast, was in danger of being completely forgotten in the late 20th century as super highways replaced the main arteries in each state. But in recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the “Mother Road” as business owners, preservationists and travelers have banded together to save and support some of the route’s most famous landmarks.
This location has both a super highway (Interstate 40), with massive traffic exposure at the top of the longest highest grade between Loss Angeles to Needles. The property has existing exits in both directions with a newly built overpass allowing Historic Route 66 to pass right through it and over the freeway. Sitting atop of the longest and highest grade on the corridor, this property can be seen for miles and it’s slow truck lanes on both sides is a natural stop for long distance truckers and travelers.
This property is located in the center of many historical towns and areas to visit including large Federal Lands. There are two on and off ramps on each side of freeway— EVERYTHING HERE FOR MASSIVE DEVELOPMENT
Aerial View of Three Parcels Taken from North to South showing US 40 interstate Frontage and Route 66 over Bridge
Historic Route 66 Corridor Management Plan
The California Historic Route 66 Needles to Barstow Corridor Management Plan (CMP) is part of an ongoing regional and national effort to keep America’s Main Street, the 2,448-mile ribbon of highway that was once an inspiring symbol of adventure and freedom, from vanishing into the past. The California section from Needles to Barstow through the Mojave Desert is one of the most unique sections of the route—with its one-hundred twenty-eight timber trestle bridges and associated drainage features and its distinctive landscape context which has changed very little since the establishment of Route 66 in 1926.
See Website WikiTravel.org Refers to going over bridge at Mountain Springs Road and Stopping at Chambless, Amboy (Roy’s & Crater), Bagdad, Siberia and Klondike.
Route 66 Cost-Share Grant Program; The State Of California May Be Your Partner
The Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program provides cost-share grant assistance to support the preservation of the most significant and representative historic Route 66 buildings, structures, road segments, and cultural landscapes in the eight states through which the route passes. Assistance is also provided to support research, planning, oral history, and educational outreach projects related to the preservation of Route 66. Find out more at National Park Service Cost-Share Grant Program
Power and Solar Opportunities
This location is very close to the largest solar power plant in the United States making solar and wind power in this corridor a great opportunity.
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Power Already At The Site
Power was installed in 2014 and property is located 1/2 mile from a power distribution site. See Plans, Surveys and Legal section to view additional power related documents.
For more information about the largest solar power plant in the United States located near our property.
Water Opportunities
Two existing California registered wells with water close to the surface.ells have water ten feet from the surface
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Fenner Basin Aquifer Possibilities
This property appears to be located right on top of the Fenner Basin Aquifer. The aquifer is roughly the size of Rhode Island. There’s a lot of water underground in this area, and it’s estimated as possibly enough to solve the Southern California water problems. THIS IS HUGE! The City of Cadiz and the proposed water pipeline is just south of this property (see picture below) and is the site for the contested massive water source for Los Angles that could solve the water problems for Los Angeles. The possibilities for a new water district and water distribution system for the whole area is a very real possibility. San Bernardino County has suggested it to us in the past.
Map of Fenner Basin Aquifer.
Map of existing and proposed water pipelines.
Water Wells On The Property
There are two numbered “very old” California wells but we are installing a brand new commercial well to be completed Aug of 2024.
Establish Water District And Wastewater
Establish Water District with approval from Needles. Establish Wastewater Treatment Plant with approval from San Bernardino County Environmental Health Services. Bring existing wells (2) up to necessary capacity and install new wells at identified locations with approval from SBCEHS. Water is very close to surface. Water very plentiful at property and in surrounding areas.